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Veteran's Care Counseling. 

Veterans Care Services 

WCOA Chaplain Services offers counseling and guidance. Chaplains help identify unhealthy behavior and redirect your relationship. WCOA Chaplains provide not only care to those in the vast workplace, but also to our Nation’s Veterans.  We address religious, spiritual, moral, and ethical concerns of veterans and their families, as well as Homelessness, and more.


WCOA chaplains attend to Veterans and family members who have witnessed or experienced, or are at risk of, domestic violence and intimate partner violence.

“clergy and chaplains are desired to be seen because people trust them,” said John Benton, Senior Chaplain” of WCOA.”  


Further, WCOA chaplains provide individuals, couples or marriage counseling. It can get very complex working with couples. They come to tell their story and deal with personal and serious issues.”

WCOA Chaplains Services 

Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program (IPVAP)

WCOA Chaplain Service works alongside VA’s Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program (IPVAP) to help Veterans and their family members understand what constitutes a healthy relationship. They know what can be considered unhealthy or potentially dangerous behavior and what to do if domestic violence occurs in their relationship.

How do you identify unhealthy behavior within your relationship?


Further, we go through comprehensive screening to see if there is something we as Chaplains can do to assist, albeit with our population of veterans and family members.  In that there may be contributing factors feeding into certain behavior we need to get to the core of. 


WCOA seeing spirituality as a "bigger than religious organizations" need, our program above and beyond such , to help inspire veterans in order to bring  to light the issues and concern a veteran may have. As a result, we help them identify how they can use spirituality to improve their lives to open spiritual doors to help defeat life struggles towards ultimate resolve. 

Few conditions are more harmful to  individual health and welfare than homelessness. That’s why Workforce chaplains of America, WCOA is committed to making sure every Veteran has a safe and stable place to call home.


Working in partnership with Federal, state, and local community organizations across the country, WCOA's aim is to provide wraparound services that integrate housing, health care, employment, and education assistance programs to support at-risk Veterans and help those experiencing homelessness exit and remain stably housed.


WCOA and its partners are working profusely to provide housing and resources to help solve the challenge of homelessness among veterans. 







Addressing the Challenge of Homelessness. 

Through its AMERIVET Veteran's Healthcare Corporation Ancillary,  WCOA  is expanding its support base nationally to aide veteran's further with its new 350,000 square feet campus acquisition that will provide (upon renovation) full care service, i.e., provision in mental and psychiatric healthcare services, Social support, transitional housing and educational development training and more. 

Other Ways We are Helping to Assist our Nation's Vet's.



To Learn more,  go to  About Us,  Click the drop down box to: AMERIVET Veteran's Healthcare program.  

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