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         Benefits of Our Services

Increase Stress and Anxiety  

Today's market mandates the need for spiritual care be considered as a  means of prevention, productivity, and job retention.  The benefits of our service will help curtail the growing wave of increased insensitivity and anxiety in the marketplace.  Our experienced chaplains will aid immensely in reducing stress and the feeling of indifference in this new normal paradigm. Where business is no longer usual, it will help filter and reduce the recent reports that show how growing commute times take a toll on job satisfaction, followed by the feelings of isolation and anger that stems from global upset.    

Further Services Benefits 

The costly consequences of a dissatisfied workplace means great financial loss. Followed by low morale and absenteeism that ultimately lead to low productivity and turnover.  Such a trend that is being echoed nationwide, WCOA works within its means to help curtail this challenge by careful interaction with employees to determine their emotional and spiritual needs, recognizing that man's greatest challenge that he face in the world today is not external but from within.  

In other related personal and business matters, WCOA will step in using spiritual principles to help newcomers on the job feel welcome, aid in coworkers disputes, the schemes of employee Trouble Makers, divorce, and infidelity, emotional trauma and emptiness, Financial Crisis, job pressure specifically, unfair treatment, health issues and more. Using biblical principles that work WFCOA will work to bring harmony and solidarity to the workplace, and much more.      

Employee Personal Challenges

Financial Advantage Benefit 

The excellence of our program is also followed by the tremendous benefit that comes with the contraction of our services is that WCOA in support is a nonstock/nonprofit, 501 ( C) 3 tax-exempt corporation which means that every dollar gifted is therefore deemed tax deductible up to 50 % percent. A conceptualized objective of the organization is to remedy the high cost of health care in forging our mission in support of the American working class.     

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